YouTube Resources for Kids

My boys and I learn science online. They love their online school, but using YouTube videos, they can find things they want to learn and share. Here are my top suggestions for kids of all ages: 

Richard Feynman

For us, everything starts with Richard Feynman. I have been reading Feynman to my kids since they were 5 years old. Great books to read to kids include The Pleasure of Finding Things Out and Surely You’re Joking, Mr Feynman, and What do you Care what Other People Think? Other books are more technical and too difficult for bedside reading, but those stories are fantastic, especially if you can fake a Feynman accent.

Then there are videos, here is a selection:

Fun to Imagine

Numbers, Part I

Numbers, Part 2

Problem Solving

The Character of Physical Law, Part 1

The Character of Physical Law, Part 2

Quantum Mechanics, Part 1

Quantum Mechanics, Part 2

Advice to Students

The World from Another Point of View


YouTube channels on science


Minute Earth

Minute Physics

Tom Scott - various

Steve Mould - physics

Action Lab - physics


Brain Games

Quirkology - Richard Wiseman

Nile Red - chemistry

SciShow - general

Our videos

My son Micah and I made a video showing the shapes of the orbitals of the first 18 elements

Shai and I made one explaining the Monty Hall Problem

Shai and I made a bridge out of spaghetti and then ate it

Shai and I show how to make a ferrofluid

And Micah's channel Nature's Guardians adds a new interview with someone working to save animals every week. Please subscribe!

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